Where surveys of flora and fauna are required, whether they be for planning permit applications for proposed development sites or to identify and manage populations of threatened species, AERS can provide comprehensive assessments tailored to suit the client's requirements. Ecologists at AERS are skilled and experienced in identifying flora and fauna species and have knowledge of many species’ habitat requirements, particularly throughout south-western Victoria. Specialist skills have also been developed in surveying bat populations using Anabat detectors to record their echolocation calls. These calls are later
Applications to obtain Planning Permits for the removal of native vegetation usually require assessments by qualified ecologists to determine the extent and quality of native vegetation proposed for removal following the habitat hectare methodology. The staff of AERS are proficient in Vegetation Quality Assessments using the habitat hectare method and are certified by DELWP as competent in the assessment methodology.
Ecological research and monitoring
Ecological research and monitoring is an important aspect of most ecological research projects whether they aim to acquire further knowledge of a species ecology, assess the effectiveness of management actions in achieving objectives, or to assess the impact of developments on flora and/or fauna populations.Our experience and expertise in ecological research
Environmental management plans
AERS can assist clients to prepare a variety of Environmental Management Plans specific to their project, whether they be for terrestrial fauna, native vegetation, pest animals, and weeds, or general environmental issues such as noise, waste
AERS provides
AERS can assist private landowners and managers of public land to control pest animals such as foxes and rabbits. AERS holds a Commercial Operators Licence to undertake vertebrate pest control using 1080 poison and staff are licensed and experienced in the use of firearms for shooting programs. In addition to providing shooting and poison baiting programs, AERS can assess the abundance and distribution of pest animals on your property and develop