Monitoring is an important aspect of most ecological research projects whether they aim to acquire further knowledge of a species ecology, assess the effectiveness of management actions in achieving objectives, or to assess the impact of developments on flora and/or fauna populations.
Our experience and expertise in ecological research ensure the outcomes of ecological monitoring projects provide valuable information to facilitate improvements to environmental management and conservation.
AERS has undertaken a number of long-term ecological monitoring projects. Examples of such include annual surveys of Koala density and tree condition throughout Mount Eccles National Park since 2003 to assess changes in the health and condition of the forest in response to changes in the Koala population size following fertility suppression. Results of such monitoring have helped to inform Parks Victoria of the level of fertility control required to effectively restore the health of the Manna Gum woodland and maintain the Koala population at a healthy and sustainable level.
AERS has also undertaken ecological monitoring projects at wind farm developments, including surveys of birds and bats before and after the construction of the wind farms to determine whether the wind farms have impacted significantly on local bird or bat populations due to collision with the blades of turbines. This research was also complemented with regular searches around turbines for carcasses of birds or bats to examine and quantify the extent of mortality arising from blade strike.
The abundance of pest animals such as rabbits and foxes have also been monitored before and after the construction of wind farms to determine if the disturbance caused during construction led to an increase in pest animal abundance and whether control activities were required to be implemented. Monitoring of pest animal abundance has also been used to assess the effectiveness of control programs in reducing the population numbers and