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Comprehensive Flora and Fauna Surveys for Proposed Development Sites

Surveys of flora and fauna, particularly to assess the presence of rare and threatened species, are frequently required for proposed developments as part of the planning permit approvals process. Knowing what ecological values exist in an area is vital to understanding the conservation significance of the site which may restrict or prevent proposed developments from proceeding under state and/or federal legislation. Where clients plan to develop a site, AERS can undertake flora and fauna assessments of the land to inform clients of the ecological values present and any legislative implications that may impede development. Our clients can then make informed decisions and avoid costly pitfalls.


AERS provide comprehensive ecological assessments and environmental management advice to ensure proposed developments are designed, constructed and operated with minimal impact on the environment.


Providing a range of specialist flora and fauna assessment services

Staff of AERS are also proficient at undertaking population monitoring and ecological research on specific species. Such research may include studies of population abundance, habitat utilisation, home range and movements of wildlife species using radio telemetry, or surveys of bird or bat species present and their utilisation of a site.


Specialist skills have been developed in the use of Anabat detectors to survey bat populations by recording their echolocation calls from which the bat species is identified. The utilisation of habitat and relative activity of bat species can be examined with further data analysis.


Working with state of the art field equipment

AERS has acquired a range of field survey equipment to enable efficient and comprehensive surveys of fauna. Our stock of survey equipment includes radio telemetry equipment, fauna traps, hair tubes. Anabat detectors, GPS units, GIS software (ArcMap), a tranquiliser gun and firearms, spotlights, binoculars, remote cameras and radio communication equipment.


Get in touch with us today

If you’re looking for an experienced team of specialists to provide assessments of flora and fauna, get in touch with AERS today. We are the trusted experts when it comes to providing comprehensive ecological assessments and practical environmental management advice.